The one on the Desert RaIIy.
MedicaI crew. Remember?
She broke her Ieg,
so I'm repIacing her.
- What?
- Isn't it great?
No it's not.
PauIine, think about it.
Think of aII the peopIe
who need you here.
Your patients, the hospitaI...
Everything's arranged.
And it'II do us some good.
We need some breathing room.
Don't worry, it'II be fine.
You're not going.
May I know for what reason?
You can't Ieave on a whim.
Africa's dangerous. The diseases.
- MaIaria.
- Vaccinated.
- YeIIow Fever.
- Vaccinated.
- ChoIera.
- Vaccinated.
See, there's no vaccine.
EyeIid infections.
Jean-CIaude had it.
Listen to me, carino.
Here's what we'II do:
you make me dinner...
Get a pizza if you're hungry!
My taxi's waiting.
Put down that suitcase!
Don't make me say it in Spanish.
Let me go.
You're asking for it.
For what?
There, for that.
Never do that.
Wait, Iet me expIain!
It was in the wrong order.
I was supposed to eat first.
Then fuck you to death.
PauIine, wait!
Let me expIain, it's a mistake!
If you Ieave now,
it's over!
Don't bother coming back!
I'II burn your buII coIIection!
Okay, fine.
Get Iost, good riddance!
Mr. Martinet!
Hot, isn't it?
Fine. Get Iost!
I'II be fine without you.
- Food poisoning?
- Suicide attempt.
The neighbor found him.
He drank a gaIIon of dish soap.