You asshoIe.
MoItès, I can expIain.
I can expIain everything.
I'II expIain: you've got 30 seconds.
Where's my dough?
You won't beIieve me,
but it's aII a mix-up.
30 seconds goes fast, Reggio.
I didn't steaI it.
I'm your friend.
- Right?
- 20.
It's aII your fauIt,
you're the one who fucked up.
About PauIine.
I sIapped her Iike you said,
but it didn't do the trick.
She Ieft me.
She went to Africa,
with your ticket.
She's in Africa, for the RaIIy.
You're making me do this!
Stop buIIshitting me!
I swear it's true.
If I had it, I wouIdn't be here!
Think about it!
What's that smeII?
My suicide.
It's PauIine.
I put your fucking Iottery ticket
in your fucking fanny pack.
I've Iost everything.
No more house.
No more wife.