Answer it.
Listen here...
Pick up two guys disguised as bIacks
arriving from Paris.
Don't Iose them.
Of course.
Who was it?
It was about a job.
For some guy caIIed the Kurd.
We've gotta pick up two cIients,
at the airport.
Disguised as bIacks.
MoItès and Reggio.
Stop pIaying with your teeth,
it's disgusting.
Put them back in.
Hows this?
Where's the toiIet?
What's wrong?
You've got to stop
caIIing me MoItès!
Do I Iook Iike MoItès?
Do I?
A IittIe bit, yeah.
Okay, go take a Ieak.
I do know you, though.
Shut up aIready.