- I forgot my hat.
- Who cares!
Excuse me.
- Yeah?
- Are you with the race?
Bingo, buddy.
Is PauIine Reggio here?
PauIine Reggio.
With the medicaI crew.
You sure?
She's about this taII,
Spanish, sweet face.
With cocksucker Iips
and a huge snout.
HoId this for a second.
She's his wife,
show some respect.
- I was just joking.
- Very funny.
- Where is she?
- In the Iead truck.
The rotation was 2 hours ago.
She's out front.
Where is the advance point?
Speak up boy, I can't hear you.
''Cocksucker Iips.''
You forgot ''huge snout''.
Now for a means of transportation.
What kind of transportation?
- A boat.
- Are you kidding?
Are you done?
Just keep watch.
Let's take a Toyota!
I reaIIy Iike Toyotas.