35,934 Euros. IncIuding tax.
When you have big dreams,
they're aIways unattainabIe.
If we find my 15 miIIion,
I'II buy it for you.
No kidding?
Why wouId you do that?
We're a team, no?
What can I say.
You know, it's not much,
but if you throw in
2000 more Euros,
you can get the Imperator.
Top of the Iine,
with panoramic veranda,
and fuII-service toiIets.
It's the best camper there is.
Let's go for the Imperator then.
No reason not to.
Where's the buggy?
We... friend.
Who are these guys?
What do they want?
I'II handIe it.
Their cuIturaI codes
are very compIex.
you identify the chief.
I think it's him.
With the gun.
We... France!
WorId Champs!