Les Diables

What're you doing here?
You threw stones at us, fucker!
lt was my pals.
Just killing time.

l got away ust after you.
Thanks to the panic you caused.
You can tell me now...
Who was that woman?

No one.
Stay around here if you want.
l've got myself a cellar.
l'll get you a mattress.
l'll tell you about my plans.
What plans?
Easy. We make a load of cash
and then do what we want.

We fuck them all!
Aren't your pals interested?
They're different.
You saw them. They're dumb.
But they're in too.
Strength in numbers, see.
Don't do it, ChloƩ.
l know what it means to you.
But they'll split us up.
l swear!
What about me?
