Liberty Stands Still

You know
what he made me do?

He made me shoot it...
Close range...
And you pulled
the trigger...

I hated him
for making me do it...

- I had nightmares...
- How ironic...

Come on, let's get back
to the point...

Why are
you doing this, Joe?

You must meet
all kinds in your business...

- Why do they?
- Come on, I sell corporately...

It's not like I deal
with every asshole

who wants to wave
a big dick at something...

So it's about my dick?
What if Russell
slit his wrists?

We should call
the police...

Slit his wrists?
Russell's the happiest man
I've ever met...

Happiness is the best cover
for clinical depression...

What? Did he tell you
he was depressed?

The man is dating a barracuda...
What's not to be depressed about?

You know, we're in a bit
of a time jam here...

This guessing game's
getting a bit tiring...

Why don't you just tell me
what's going on?

Fair enough...
I want you
to understand loss...

You lost someone...
to a gun accident?
No accident...
A willful act...

Your wife?
Your daughter...
Look, I'm really sorry
for you and your family,

but is this how
she'd want you to act?

She's not alive to ask...
