Why would you want
more blood on your hands?
Misery needs company...
The blood is going
to spill into your hands,
where it belongs,
There's hundreds of people
who trade weapons...
I'm just one tiny speck
in all of this...
That's all it takes...
and three-year-olds die
all in the name
of the Constitution...
They have metal detectors
and cops in schools...
Is that what makes
America great?
I get where this is going...
I'll denounce
my involvement in weapons,
I'll denounce
the industry, fuck,
I'll denounce death
in general, okay?
We'll get the press here,
we'll cause a big scene...
Is that what you want?!
You're so full of shit...
Look, I know
you must be dying inside,
but I'm standing next
to a goddamn bomb,
and it's going to cause
some serious damage...
So if you want coverage,
come on, let's get it going...
What were your father's
last words?
He has nothing to do
with this...
Yeah, I guess blowing
your brains out is...
is about as much
as anyone person can ever say...
You seem to know a lot
about me and my family, Joe...
It's personal...
And I get to atone
for the sins
of every cheap-suit
fucking gun salesman?
Yeah, and your father...
He has nothing
to do with this... Fuck you!
This has nothing to do
with my father...
This is about you
going postal!
He's part
of the family legacy...
He is not...
- He is not!
- You were an impressionable kid...
His money bought you
into a society
on both sides
of the law...
He's definitely
a part of this...
No he isn't...
Try that $5, 000 watch
you're wearing...