- Fine...
- Oh, better yet,
that $25, 000
wedding ring...
You got it...
Say, honey...
Where's Dwayne,
Ms... Liberty Wallace?
Oh, he had to step away...
I'm watching the stand...
You doing this
for a reason?
You tell him,
I shoot him...
It's hot today...
His life is
in your hands, Liberty...
Put your clothes on...
Yeah! I'll take whatever
you're selling...
Beat it...
A hot dog for the road...
- Good for sales...
- I said beat it!
All right...
Whatever you're on, lady,
get more of it...
You're pissing me off...
I'll be right back...
You're signing
his death warrant...
Is that what you want?
It's show time...
Your actions
have consequences...