I have about 45 minutes
left on my battery...
Liberty, talk to me...
Any idea who we're dealing with?
He said something about us
bailing on a deal...
I don't know
what he's talking about...
The onlyone big enough
is the one going through Paris...
- Nothing more specific?
- No!
I don't get it...
How did you leave it
with Washington?
The money's wired...
What does he want?
Hijack the shipment?
What does he want?
I don't know what he wants!
He won't tell me...
- This could be goodbye...
- Don't get dramatic...
If they wanted you dead,
you would be...
I'm hanging up now...
I'm on it...
- I don't fucking believe you...
- If you do that again...
I'll shoot innocent people
on your behalf...
Oh, he didn't even
say goodbye, did he?
Well, he's got
a lot at stake...
International arms dealing
is tricky business...
No loy alties...
Call Brian...
- I already did...
- Oh, good boy...
V ery good boy...
This is a hostage situation...
Your hands are tied...
What am I supposed
to do now,
go and sip tea
in a safehouse
while my wife is
chained to a bomb?
Calm down...
You're a target too...
She knows the drill...
You both signed
the security agreement...
- The machinery just kicked in...
- I'm calm... I'm very calm...
Step away...
Did you see what happened here?
I didn't see anything...
1986 request backup...
Request immediate backup...
Shots fired, officer down,
possibly dead...
Oh my God...
He's barely got a pulse...
Do you have
an open marriage,