or is it like
taking Prozac?
Leave Russell out of this...
He better be dead, or I swear
to God I'm going to kill him...
Call his publicist...
She'll know where
he's hiding...
You're on, folks...
Name your terms, Joe...
This is about dignity...
My daughter's death
robbed her of hers,
You're going to dredge up whatever
little nobility you have left...
and give the world a little
of what she had...
Can't believe
she'd want this...
She was a fighter...
Unlike you,
I wasn't...
I had to make a choice...
Jump out the window,
or live by the rules
that she died by...
What happened to her?
A boy in her school...
Armed and fucked up...
Headlines that make every
mommy and daddy in America
cross their fingers...
Ah, but for the grace
of God go I...
now I'm using the same right
to bear arms that he had...
It's an all-in package,
I was told...
And you can't fuck with freedom...
to quote a phrase...
How do you know that?
Your father's last words...
Ah... Brilliant...
Brilliant way to go out,
I thought...
In fact, it's...
it was what made me choose
you as the spokesperson...
Nobody knew what
my dad's note said...