Liberty Stands Still

I blow my brains out...
This becomes my journalistic
moment of truth...

Your Emmy...
And your quest...
I'm sorry, Joe...
What do you want me to say here?

Say yes...
No... Say that you're

Say yes...
There are plenty
of causes, Joe...

Bill, look at Liberty...
She's going to die...
It's her choice when,
it's my choice how...
You have a similar dilemma...
Iook around...
Jesus, shit...
He shot me...
I'll do whatever
he wants...

He's going to die
in your arms, Liberty...

Get ready...
Watching someone die...
changes you forever...
to Dispatch...
We have a female with a gun...

I'm not dying...
His father is
Senator Robert Tollman...

He's also
a constitutional lawyer...

He lobbied for the NRA,
so we know which side
his bread is buttered on...

He's proud of his son...
And now like me,
has every reason
to switch sides...

How many times
do I have to tell you?

Turn that fucking
thing off...

Just hang on...
Help's coming...

No... It's not...
- Fucking asshole...
- Sue me...

Get him out of here...
Can't buy this
kind of press...

10:00 news, buddy...
Call my father for me...
