Liberty Stands Still

We've got at least 20 buildings
to evacuate...

We're thin on manpower...
Use uniforms to back you up...
All right?
Be safe, gentlemen... Let's go...

Swat member:

We've got no location
on the shooter,

No I... D... on the woman...
We've got backup coming in...

We're set up in the garage
back here...

Somebody shut them down...

Clear the media back, please...
We are live...
The drama continues
in downtown LA,

where we apparently have
a fatal shooting of an officer,

here at the corner
of Grace and 9th...

Is your wife going
to be tuning in?

But I guarantee
your husband's watching...

Back to you, Dennis...
My husband...
My husband's on the way
to the airport by now...

He will be unreachable
for comment...

Why'd you marry him?
I thought he could save
my father's company...

It was a bad idea...
I even thought I loved him...
Should we do a shield rescue
for the guyon the ground?

No... It's too risky until
we find out where the shooter is...

Poor bastard's gonna
bleed out...

I want all traffic locked down
from 5th to 9th...
Yeah, that's done already...
Who's the negotiator on call?
John's going to be here
in 10 minutes, Captain...

Joe, more death isn't going
to make the guns disappear,

it's not going to bring
your daughter back...

I'm begging you...
Oh... Liberty...
Tiananmen Square
boiled down to one man,

standing in front of a tank,
that couldn't move or shoot...

Because human dignity
was stronger

than steel or bullets...
It changed a nation...
That was a completely
different situation...

What's the difference?
We've got gated communities,
security systems, and kids
carrying combat weapons,

all because most people
haven't even
read the 2nd amendment...

our freedom of speech,
is protected,
