Life or Something Like It

Look, Lanie, he is the best.
I can't workwith him.
Look, I don't know what happened
between the 2 ofyou--
- Nothing happened.
- Whatever!

Doyou want thisjob
or don'tyou?

Doyou want to go
network or don'tyou?

Pete is network.
He worked for 5 years
in New York on nightly news.

You turn the camera on,
you point it at the news.

What is the big deal?
Lanie, would you do me
a favorjust one time?

Do what I say.
Lanie: So I'll ask
a few questions.

Just relax,
and I'll be back in 5.

Ready? OK.
OK, I've got 2 kids
for interviews,

and the manager said we could
have 30 seconds ofshow footage.

Oh, hey, Pete.
How areyou?

You know, it's really
good to seeyou again.

I've missed you.
You know, Lanie,

thanks a lot for asking.
It's nice to seeyou, too.
Under the circumstances,
I think it would be best

ifwe kept things on
a purely professional level.

Defiine ''the circumstances.''
We have to work together.
We don't have to like it.
You know,
it wouldn't kill you,

to have some fun.
I have fun.
No, no, no.
You see, it's not fun

ifyou have to pencil it in.
Oh, I can't be spontaneous?
You don't know me.

I know thatyou're up
for ajob at A.M. USA,

and I know that
that fiits perfectly

with your little
5-year plan, doesn't it?

I don't have a plan.
Yes, you do.
You carefully construct
every moment ofyour life
to project the right image.
No, I don't.
Uh, yeah, actually,
Lanie, you do.

All right.

This is what we're
going to do here.

All right? We're going
to start on the sign,

I'm going to work myway
through the crowd

and then end up on you.
Well, I like the last part.
The ''you'' part?
Yes, well, I am the one
telling the story.

Haveyou ever heard
the expression,

a picture is worth
a thousand words?

That'sjust for people likeyou
who don't know a thousand words.
Hey, well, I know 2,
and the fiirst one
begins with an ''F.''

Hey, hey, hey, hey.
We got a story to do here.
All right?
Thankyou, Lanie.
Give me that microphone.
OK. Ready?
