Tonight at 8:00,
the Seahawks and Broncos.
Who's going to win?
One man knows.
Let's see ifhe's telling.
noted street savant,
and a little local flavor
in a town that could
use a little more.
Jack, what's with the crate?
I come from
a long line ofprophets.
My pedestal elevates me closer
to the voice ofGod,
allowing me to heal
the huddled masses
with myvisions.
Why is it always
the huddled masses?
Do we huddle?
Well, I'll tell you who does.
The Seattle Seahawks.
Nice segue.
Jack, tonight the Hawks
are on a special
Thursday-night edition
and they're playing
the 3-0 Broncos.
Tell us,Jack,
is it fiinally Denver's year,
or are the Hawks
going to open up
a big old can
ofbutt whupping?
The Seahawks will win, 1 9-1 3.
Yeah? Well, don't be
joking now,Jack.
You'll break our little hearts.
Prophets don'tjoke.
OK. Any other hot tips?
Tomorrow morning,
it's going to hail.
Well, the local
meteorologist said
we'll have more
blue skies tomorrow.
You-- You sureyou don't want
to tweak that frequency
a little,Jack?
How old areyou now?
Maybeyou're not, you know,
hearing the old voice
ofGod so good anymore, hmm?
I hear it.
I hear it loud and clear.
OK, well,
you heard him, folks.
The Seahawks are going to win,
and tomorrow,
it's going to hail.
And next Thursday,
you're going to die.
I'm sorry.
I didn't ask for the power.
IfI fiind out
you were up to this,
I will never speak
toyou as long as I live.
Yeah, and that would be what?
About a week or so?
Tonight, Seahawks
over the Broncos by 6.