Mariners season tickets. Wow.
Yeah,just like lastyear.
Why did you say
the kids couldn't come again?
Well, Conrad's soccer team
is playing in the division
championship tomorrow,
and ofcourse,
Chloe has rehearsal--
children's orchestra.
I'm up for ajob at A.M. USA.
- Oh, really.
- Yeah.
Is that still on?
Well, Lanie, the man
has worked the 5 a.m. shift
at the plant for 25 years.
I guess you could
give him a break, huh?
How's Cal?
He's fiine.
He's in New York.
In the off-season?
He's doing a commercial.
I like Cal.
He's a good kid.
I think the Ms
are going to have
a good year nextyear.
Dad, can I askyou a question?
More cake, Dad?
Just like Mom used to make.
Maybe Lanie wants it.
No, I have to go, actually.
Have some cake.
Dad, don't tempt her.
Happy birthday, Dad.
[Telephone Rings]