And the forecast. Sam?
I'd say a pretty typical
Seattle day around here,
and that means you get
a couple ofsun breaks,
you get a couple ofshowers,
and you're dodging it
no matterwhat--
That's it.
Theywould've cut in by now.
He was wrong.
Oh, God, I knew it!
You're a genius.
[Lanie Humming]
We have reportsjust coming in
from San Francisco
that an earthquake hit
at 9:06 this morning,
but there was no damage reported.
The 3.3 measure
on the Richter scale
makes it only a relatively
signifiicant quake.
We'll bring you more details
as we get them,
and we'll also have
a live report
at the top ofthe hour.
And coming up next,
highlights from
last night's sports action
and the national
weather picture.
All that when we return.
I'm gonna die.
I'm gonna die.