Life or Something Like It

Hmm. Let's have sex.
Look, I don't want
to have sex with you.

Oh, and ifyou had a week
to live, what would you do?

I would, you know--
I'd have sex with you.

Look, you know what?
I don't know.

IfI was gonna die
in a week,

I would--
I'd try and live every moment.

I would go to see the people
that mean the most to me,
and I would try
and memorize their face.

And I would say to them
all the things

that I wanted to say,
but have always been
too afraid to.

Like what?
Shouldn'tyou be talkin'
to Everybody's All-American

about this?
He's not home,
and he's not much for talking.
Oh, butyou want
to marry him?

I don't know.
I have a week to live.

Does it matter?
Lanie, all right,
give it up already.

You're not gonna die.
How doyou know?
Becauseyou're in charge,
Lanie, all right?

You run your life.
You makeyour own fate,
and you makeyour own luck.

Let'sjust say that
ProphetJackwas right

in one version
ofthe universe.

OK, maybe he tapped
into some wavelength

where in this version
ofyour life,

you do in fact die
next Thursday.

OK-- OK.
All right, but maybe
ifyou change the path--

you know, change the path
you're currently on--

the outcome is gonna
be different.

But I've worked so hard
on this one.

Well, you know what?
Maybe that's your problem.

- Maybe whatyou--
- I--

You know,
I think it's-- I--

Where areyou going?
Whereyou going?

I thought we were
gonna have sex.

[Door Slams]
