Must be nice foryou...
having a famous baseball player
as a boyfriend,
getting all the attention,
just likeyou always did
when we were little.
Me getting all the attention?
But some ofus
have real life
to deal with, Lanie.
Oh, real life.
Real life in
your really big mansion
with your really perfect kids
and being a perfect wife?
What doyou want
from me, Lanie?
You want me to tell you
all the problems
in my life, soyou'll
feel better aboutyours?
It's not gonna happen.
And you wanna know
ifI'm happy.
I am.
I'm happy.
Everything'sjust peachy
here in wonderland.
- Gwen?
- Lanie...
you're on TV.
You should recognize
a good exit line
when you hear one.