Morning, Mick.
A little hair ofthe dog forya?
Just point to the one
you were drinkin'.
All right.
I knewyou were
a rum and Coke girl.
You drink a little
bit ofthis down...
you're gonna be
feelin' much better.
No. No. Come on.
A little bit more than that.
- Good girl.
- [Coughs]
Oh, God. Did we--
Well, don't sound so excited, OK?
You passed out in my car.
What-What happened?
You don't remember any ofit?
- No.
- You don't remember
talkin' to me on the cell phone?
The bus drivers' strike?
The live spot?
Areyou telling me
I went on the air?
You went on the air.
Without my makeup?
Withoutyour makeup,
withoutyour lines...
withoutyour sanity.
Oh... wow.