Well, it's 7:1 5.
All right.
Well, ifI hear from her,
I will giveyou a call. OK.
You're welcome.
you want me to takeyou home?
Wanna go try and
look foryour car, maybe?
Oh, God. No.
Well, look, you know what?
What doyou say
I takeyou to the airport,
you can go offto Morocco
with your last couple
ofdays here on Earth?
Ifit's OKwith you,
I'd like to stay...
here for a little while.
All right.
Butyou gotta
take a shower fiirst.
Steam slowly builds
Up now
Between my ears
There is fog now
The soothing sounds
- Hereya go.
- Quid.
Quid. Yeah.
What is that?
What is quid?
It's money. Currency.
In what language?
In English.
As in England?
You know how in the U.S.,
you would say, uh,
''I got a few bucks.''
Well, in England,
you would say,
''I got a few quid.''
So it's slang.
No. It's quid.
It's slang.