You're not thinking about
ProphetJack, areyou?
No, I haven't
thought about that all day.
- Thanks toyou.
- Oh.
So, you got to admit,
it feels pretty good, doesn't it?
Doin' nothin'.
Yeah, it does.
So, what doyou normally do
on a Tuesday night?
Let's see. Normally,
ifI was with
a beautiful woman
such as yourself,
I would maybe, um--
maybe ask her to come
back to my place.
And ifshe was wearing
all my clothes,
then I would insist
that she return them.
Um, areyou trying
to have sex with me?
Yeah, I defiinitely am.
Love, be still
Love, be sweet
Don'tyou dare
Change a thing
I want to photograph you
with my mind
To feel how I feel now
all the time
Say thatyou'll stay
Forever this way
Forever and forever
That we'll never have to change