'cause we're on the road 2 4-7.
#And I say #
Ya, Ras Clap, ya have to
come back with me, ya seein'?
#Tomorrow, tomorrow #
How tall are you, boy?!
How tall are you?!
You'll learn to hold your bladder.
#We love ya tomorrow #
## You're only a day ##
#Away #
You see, Calvin?
You're best off here...
with me.
Hey, yo, Trace.
Tracy: Hello?
It's me, Calvin.
Calvin. Wait. You're here?
Yeah, I'm here,
and it took me 4 busses
to get here, too.
Uh, all right.
Man, this is where you live?
Calvin, what are you doing here?
Hey, I just can't wait
to see the inside.
Calvin, wait. Calvin.
Come on, Calvin.
Tell me why you're here.
Aw, this is tight.
Look at all the stuff you got, man.
Yeah. Yeah, it's tight.
So come on, man, tell me what's up.
Why you here?
I wanna check your place out.
You know,just look at your crib
and everything.
What do you call this game?
I have no idea.
It came with the house.
Oh, man.
So you're not gonna tell me
why you're here?
We need one of these
at the orphanage.
OK, OK. So I take it
you don't wanna tell me
what's goin' on with you.
I understand.
It's your prerogative.
That's cool.
No, I mean, nothin's goin' on.
I mean, everything's all right.
Everything's goin' real well.
Everything's perfect.
Uh, everything's, uh,
you know, uh...
All right, man.
Everything's goin' real
terrible right about now.