You're not telling me anything
He's not at his house
He's not at his job He's disappeared
- Does that register? I mean, does it?
- Yes! Yes!
Okay, so when he said, " I quit,"
you didn't ask him why?
- You didn't say anything?
- I didn't get a chance to
You're full of bullshit
Know why I know you're full of bullshit?
Because he's distraught
and I'm distraught
and you're sitting on your ass
not giving a damn where he is
- because you can't stop this bullshit!
- I told him I liked him
- You told him you liked him
- Yes
You told him
you wanted to be his girlfriend
Not exactly that
You want a date?
Date this guy Hey, come here
This is Maura
You probably know Maura
She's looking for a date
She asked Wilson for a date
and now he's nowhere to be found
which I think we can all say
is a big " no"
So if you'll excuse me now
I'm gonna try to find
my son-in-law, who needs help
I would imagine,
dealing with the loss of his wife
Go Go Go Go Go
Stay hydro Stay hydro
Good morning
I was already here
- Do they have races?
- All day long
- Do they race planes?
- Boats No planes
Do they have swimming?
Nobody does, really
You know, with all the boats
Not really
Somebody's in the water
Stop the boats