Love Liza

Second-to-last place
I am fucking out of here
- Losers don't stay for finals
- Well, nobody else is leaving

Do tennis players stay
and watch other tennis players win?

- I don't know
- No, they don't

Losers leave
You didn't
" lose" lose
I'm not in the finals, which means
we don't have to drive in the dark

That's cool I'm cool,
but I'm out of here

Hey, someone left you a letter
Yeah I found it when I got up
I forgot

- Where is it?
- I put it in here so it wouldn't get wet

You ain't gonna open it?
I'm an idiot
It's from my wife
- I don't think so, Wilson
- No

- She left it for me
- Not here, obviously

- No, not here
- Good

I thought you were more fucked up
than I thought you were

She left it for me
You haven't opened it?
- I should probably just open it here
- Now?

I don't know
We might not be able
to drive afterward
