- Radio Noticias 8:00, KFK NoticiasSoy David Weinninger
Tarjetas de descuento en medicinascon receta para personas mayores, High Cards
En las manos del presidente enpropuestas para mejorar el seguro social
el corresponsal de KFKPeter McFadden tiene los detalles
El presidente y sus aliados del congresose encontraron en Capitol Hill
- Cuate, No puedes dejar eso abierto- ¿Qué?
- News Radio 8:00, KFK NewsI'm David Weinninger
Prescription-drug discountcards for seniors, the high cards
in the president's hand inproposals to revamp Medicare
KFK correspondentPeter McFadden has details
The president and his congressionalallies today met on Capitol Hill
- Dude, you can't leave that open- What?
Well, if you put the icon hereI could just come in the other way
No, you can't
- Tell him- The media links can't tile like that
- They won't move without a T1- These fuckers built planes, Wilson