...a motherfucker smoked.
These tattoos are shit.
You're a bad nigger, huh?
You think you got the nuts
to put a hole in a motherfucker?
-This motherfucker!
Yo, man, you ain't got to do this.
I've heard stories
from the most don't-give-a-fuck killers...
...'bout how the first time was the hardest.
You know what?
I don't even remember the first time.
All I remember was
that after I pulled the trigger on that kid...
...I knew it wouldn't be a problem.
I guess, in a strange way, he was my first kill.
No, for real. Look, man...
...money is time, time is money.
Let's be on time this time, now.
Please, for me. Be there on time.
It didn't take long to figure out
that I was different from the others.
See, I took my new job serious.
I wanted to study to be the best I could be.
Be on time, now.
You are? All right, you gonna be on time.
You fucked up last time...
All they wanted to do was sit around
with the ice grill, get high...
...gamble and talk a bunch of shit.
I guess they thought
I was bitch-made or somethin'.
They didn't know shit about being professional.
Be on time, homey.
Business is money, ain't it?
It didn't take long for them to learn
the benefits of being professional.
They all had that G-style of shootin'
where you held a gun sideways...
...and bucked your arm in and out as you shot...
...which was a cool-Iookin' way to shoot,
I guess.
But it wasn't really an effective way to aim.
I called it the "innocent women and children"
style of shootin'.
My nigger, Bishop...
...you's a bad motherfucker, boy.
Motherfuckin' Terminator in this motherfucker.