Love and a Bullet

This is big Frenchy!
Scared of that motherfucker?
Well, what you...
I can hand you the motherfucker's head
on a platter, if you want. It ain't...

Okay, y'all gonna handle it, okay. Shit.
Well, all right, okay then.
That motherfucker
stepped up to the big leagues.

Nigger, you watchin', you watchin'?
Don't look at me, look out there, homey.

Good morning, young fella.
How you feeling?
Sorry we had to clobber you like we did.
Hot dog?
Come on, these are from Sali's On the Pier.
You know,
I have a meat-packing company of my own.

But nobody makes hot dogs
as good as Sali's On The Pier.

Go ahead, brother, they're pretty damn good.
All right?
