-What's up, Ghost?
-What's up, OI' G?
Check this out.
What's up with that female in there?
You don't wanna fuck with her no more
than you want a blowjob from a rottweiler.
That's Cynda Griffie. That's Damien's property.
She's different. You notice that?
Now, listen to me!
Get that female outta your mind now!
You're the only one
in this whole business that I like.
But if you try to pursue that female,
I may be contracted to smoke you.
And I'll do it 'cause it's my job.
You understand me?
Man, Buddy, why you flexin'?
I'm sorry, kid. Just tryin' to make a point.
Point made.
Listen, man, forget that bitch!
Go out there
and get yourself some unlethal pussy.
Man, it's just I ain't never met
no female like that before.
You know what it is
that has your nose so wide open?
She's the type of person that you don't kill.
She's the type of person that's supposed to live.
Now, you don't meet many of them,
but when you do, you know.
Guys like us
are not supposed to have a woman like that.
We're trapped men, Ghost.
Prisoners of our own sins.
For you to have a woman like that
would make you a free man.
To kill a woman like that
would cause you to lose your soul.
What about Damien?
Damien wants the essence of her
but can never have it.
He controls her and that's the difference
and he knows it.
What about you?
Would you smoke her if you was contracted to?
Yeah. I'd do it.
Why? How come?
'Cause I lost my soul a long time ago.