While these other cowboys are tellin' him
what a bad-ass he was back in the day.
All through this movie, I'm waitin' for my man
to go off and start smokin' niggers...
...and when he do, I ain't pumped.
I kind of feel sorry for my man.
All he wanted to do was be like normal folks...
...but he couldn't get away from that damn rep.
It was a stupid movie.
But it kind of fucked with me.
You ever think about having children?
You ever think about having children?
I don't know.
I mean, I never really thought about it much.
I killed a man in front of his children
two weeks ago.
Did they make you?
-The kids!
No. I did it from a rooftop.
Oh, so the kids seen the whole thing.
Damn, that shit had to be tough.
Yeah, it was bad, so bad.
I can't do this anymore.
I want out of the business. Out.
What you gonna do?
Just live, I guess.
No, I mean, what you gonna do for a living?
I don't know...
...open an art gallery or teach oil painting...
...or something.
I wanna be normal, Malik.
I wanna be like those people on TV...
...that have families, that go to work
and don't kill people.
So do I.
I mean, I'm down with that.
The whole nine yards.