Look at Bishop here.
Look what a fine young man he turned out to be.
You don't know how you hurt me
by what you said.
But I tell you what, your evil words
are not gonna get me down...
...because l, like your leader, I have a dream.
And I dream that blacks and whites,
and reds and yellows...
...will be brought together hand in hand
as one...
...and under my divine guidance...
...we will eliminate racism
from this great country of ours.
And any bigot who wants to stand
in the way of racial harmony...
...they'll get so much lead pumped up
their fuckin' asses...
...that their heads will look like day-old pizza!
Then, we'll descend from the mountaintops
into the promised land...
...in peace and harmony...
...with me in control.
Kiss my black ass! Sick cracker motherfucker.
When will the racism end?
Damien was definitely one rib short of a slab.
Change was definitely in the air.
Change for Buddy.
Change for Damien. And change for me.
That afternoon, I watched Buddy self-destruct
just like I watched my father self-destruct.
Buddy knew that going up against Damien
was like blowing your own brains out.
Damien was a crazy motherfuckerl
That's for sure.
Suddenly, the things that Buddy
talked about before made sense.
This was a shit jobl