Love and a Bullet

Listen, fuck that! Get the Milkman.
He don't even celebrate holidays!

He's in D.C.
D.C.? Every-fuckin'-body in D.C.
How am I gonna get down to some hotel?
I got greens on right now.

Holiday pay.
So, after a little arm twistin', I decided to do it.
Hell, holiday pay seemed pretty good to me...
...especially since I was plannin' to disappear
after this job.

A little extra paddin' in my nest egg
wouldn't hurt nobody.

This guy was supposed to vanish.
So I had to set some things up with the Deli.

Who's this?
Herman, who is it?
Bishop, how you doin', kid?
Now here's where shit gets shitty.
I'm gonna go whack Johnny Atwell,
a sniveling little dope dealer...

...with a bad toupee
and breath that smells like butt crack.

At least that's what the profile had on him.
I heard that he owed somebody a lot of scrilla...
...somewhere in the neighborhood
of $1.5 million.

That's a pretty expensive neighborhood
to live in.

You bring the fuckin' steak sauce?
Oh, shit!
Fuck face, I got your steak...
Oh, shit!
This was starting to turn
into a complete cluster-fuck.

No one told me he was shackin' up
with some bitch.

I had to get Herman and Sal
to make a pickup. Damnl
