Sala, Omar, front and center.
This is Cynda.
You've all probably seen her.
She's my fiancee.
And I think that she's been cheating on me.
I want you guys to find out.
Sala, you and Bishop follow her during the day.
Find out where she goes, when and with who.
Omar, you keep an eye on her in her apartment.
Damien, can me and Omar switch up?
Yeah, if it's all right with Omar.
Never fall in love, guys.
Love hurts.
-Wake up, kid.
Today's the day. 9:00 p.m.
Fulfill that contract, unless I call you.
If that phone rings again, it's off.
You understand?
If she leaves that apartment, fulfill the contract.
I'm gonna call her now
and make sure she knows not to leave.
You remember what I said?
Yeah. 9:00 p.m., do it.
She leaves, do it. Phone rings, don't do it.
Say it again.
9:00 p.m., do it. She leaves, do it.
Phone rings, don't do it.