lt's not your fault.
-See you later. Thank you.
What's with the face?
He's a kid. He has
a whole hotel to play with.
-We come here every day.
-He'll have a ball.
You said it.
-You need to loosen up.
-l'm not interested.
-Why are you stealing my tissues?
-l need them.
While you're there, get me soap,
shower caps, some Kiehl's.
We need some fun in our lives.
Be spontaneous, kick up our skirts.
-The expression is ''heels.''
-Maybe for you.
-l'm with you, girl.
-You only live once.
-You know. Come on.
Live it, girl.
l'm living.
l'm living.
Come on, help me clean the
Park Suite. You're not doing nothing.
Oh, sorry. Aren't you
the maid l had yesterday?
-Yes, ma'am.
-Oh, fantastic. l need another favor.
l'm late for lunch,
otherwise l'd do it.
Would you run down to the boutique
and return the outfits in the closet?
-Sure, l'll take care of it.
-Thank you. You're the best.
-Who's she?
-She's the goddess.
She's staying in the Park Suite.
You two have a lot in common.
Yeah? Then why am l the one
wearing the uniform?
What l meant was
that she also has a boyfriend...
...who she's been with for a while,
who still has not popped--
Her cherry?
Because then we'd be identical.
-What are you looking at?
-l meant the question.
My God,
is your mind always...
on the pepperoni?
That's right,
All right, here's the difference
between me and the goddess.
She's playing games
to trick him into wanting her--