Maid in Manhattan

That's it. Put this stuff back.
What are you doing?

Not until you try it on.
l can't try on her clothes!
They're not hers. They're not Dolce's.
Technically, they've been abandoned.

Let's not let them hear us.
the clothes?

Marisa Ave Maria Ventura...
...when will you or l ever get
to try on a $5000 anything?

Come on, feel how
the other half feels, huh?

Hey, Lily,
what are you doing?

l'm sewing on a button.

What's the cook
making for lunch?

Saturday, you'll have
mac and cheese.

Where you going?
l'll be right back.

-Stay close, okay?

Rufus, come here.
Come here. Sit.

-Where are you going?
-For a walk.

No, there's a League of Women Voters
lunch downstairs.

-We should do a drive-by.
-A quick pit stop?

Yeah, in and out.
Leave them laughing.

-Hey, Jer, quick question. Be honest.
-Sure thing.

Do l look as stupid
as you think l am?

No. l mean, you're not stupid.
What are you talking about?

-Come on.
-Where are you going? No.

You have a problem
with the ladies' lunch?

l have a problem trying to upstage
Victor Delgado. Remember him?

The guy running against me for Senate,
scheduled to speak downstairs?

He's not speaking until 1 :30.
l know this offends your sense
of fairness, but l'd like to win.

-You don't give up.
-No, of course not.

That's why you hired me.
Look, you go to the luncheon, okay?

You go to Maddox's thing on Monday.
''Hello,'' ''goodbye,'' you're home free.

Define ''free.''
Look, they have people who will
walk your dog for you.

-l mean, l know that's a crazy idea.
-l want to walk my own dog.

Relax. You're starting
to lose your hair.
