These two?
Well, l just simply can't tell
without the stockings.
Could l ask you an enormous favor?
l mean, l know this isn't your job,
and l'd never normally ask, but l'm so....
-lt's okay.
-You're such a doll.
Would you run down to Madison
and get me three pairs of pantyhose?
-The concierge usually does that.
-Yes, but it will get lost in translation.
Please. You look like
you're someone...
...who knows the difference
between taupe and caramel.
Here. Thank you so much.
-Oh, and sorry.
Can you send someone else
to finish the unpacking, please?
-Right away.
Attention! Somebody's coming!
-You think it's gonna rain?
-Maybe. lt's possible.
-Hi, where's the fire?
l just got sent on an errand.
l'm already late.
-Get these pressed for me?
-Sure, in my spare time.
By the way, two poodles
raiding your cart.
-Can't be late for Ty!
Mary Anne, if you don't wear
that dress, l'm gonna come over.
l'm gonna go in your closet.
l'm gonna put it on for you.
Wait. Hold on a sec.
Excuse me, miss?
Where are you going?
-ln back to see if Carrie's here.
-Carrie's not here.
So could you just step away?
Away. Away from there.
Thank you.
Hi. Sorry. Okay, so you go first.
No, you! No, you.
Get out.
-Get out.
-Excuse me, just a moment.
You know what? l have customers,
so go on quick.
Yeah. Then what?
No, he didn't.
-No, he didn't.
-Can l just ask you one question?
You know what, ma'am?
You have to wait. Okay?