Maid in Manhattan

Oh, God.
-Let me help you.
-l got it. lt's fine. l'm good.

Don't worry about me.
Look at that.
lt's like two different worlds.
-lnteresting perspective, huh?

And l'd like to point out
it's paparazzi-free.

You know when l come here most
is when l have to make a speech...

...and l get nervous.
-You get nervous?

See that?
Sometimes when l have
to stand up in front of people...

:36:38 heart kind of races,
and l can't remember my words.

-Same here. l know.
-Really? Same with you?

Wow. Well, in my business,
it's not a good thing.

-What do you do?
-What do l do?

l want to show you something.
l hold on to this.
A paper clip?
Was that a paper clip?

lt was.
l had to find something...

:37:04 draw the nervous energy
away from my heart.

Like a....
-Like a lightning rod?
-Like a lightning rod. Exactly.

All the energy
goes into the paper clip.

And then what's left is....
Your speech.
Yeah, a smooth,
and l'd like to think...

...very compelling speech.
Some of the best speakers
in history...

...a paper clip.
Let me see, Henry Kissinger.
He wasn't known
for his speaking abilities.

No, he wasn't, was he?
Well, imagine what he would've
been like without the:

-He would've really sucked.
-He would've what?

-Really sucked.

So maybe you'll try again?
Hey, Ma,
can we go see the penguins?

-Let's go see penguins.
-Five minutes.
