...who the kid is. A kid!
Just when l get them to focus on your
assets, they're focusing on hers.
Yeah, well, they're fantastic assets,
don't you think?
Squeezing the circle
tighter and tighter and tighter...
...and release.
Let's try that again.
And squeeze the circle
tighter, tighter...
-...and relax.
-Sorry, l'll come back.
That's okay.
You can work around us.
We could use some more towels,
por favor. Rapido.
Squeezing the circle tighter...
...and tighter and tighter.
Radiating from the pelvis.
Good. Breathe.
Are you all right?
Twinkles, is it Eric?
l knew it.
He hasn't called once.
Not my cell, not the service,
not the hotel.
So last night l called him, and--
Rach, he was with....
l can't. lt's like cheap wine.
-Shall we do some band work, ladies?
-Go on, l'm listening.
-l heard her in the background.
-The cheap wine?
His ex, in midlaugh.
Butler service, Miss Lane.
l have a message
from Mr. Christopher Marshall.
Christopher Marshall?
As in, Christopher Marshall?
He's staying in the York Suite
and was wondering...
...if you had a response
to the luncheon invitation...
...l placed in your room yesterday.
-We're through. Thank you.
-ln my room?
-l have to charge the full hour.
-For lunch?
-For two.
-Get out!
-ln his suite.