Maid in Manhattan

l mean, does the whole hotel know?
ls there a Biblical sign on my forehead?
''Unmarried, unclean''?

Do l bear the scarlet letter? l'm....
l'm just....
Sorry. l....

l'm better now.
Just charge it to my room.
Yes, ma'am.
Come on, Rach. Ghastly man!
l am terrified to ask
what that was about.

l think, being dumped.
-Can l get your autograph?
-Amber? ls that your name?

-Amber's your name.
-How you doing?

Get in the car! Get in the car!
-Did she see us?
-Yeah. No. You're fine. All's clear.

-lt's fine.
-How did this happen?

l think she's very attractive.
l had her checked out.
She comes from a family with money...

...politically neutral and
has no naked pictures.

That woman wasn't
the woman l wanted.

l don't know what to say.
l talked to the hotel manager.

That's the only Caroline Lane
staying in the Park Suite.

Wait. There she is.
That's her. Cordell, pull over.
-Hey, wait! Ty! Caroline!
-Hey, Chris!

-Hey. How's it going, Ty?

-How you doing?

You want to hear something strange?
l invited you to lunch, and you came...

...only it wasn't you.
So, what happened?
-l don't know what you mean.
-Are you still staying at the Beresford?

No, we actually moved uptown.
You know, uptown.

Hop in. We're going
to the Tremont Housing Projects.

-We can drop you at the Upper East?
-Yeah, Mom!

No. Remember, we're going to a party
just a few blocks away, so we'll walk.

-So how do l get ahold of you?
-Her cell's 9-1 -7--

How about l call you?
lf you want to get in touch with him,
call this number.

That's my card.
What's your last name, hon?

-Ventura. What's yours?

-Jerry Spanish?
-No, Siegel. We have to go.
