hurling obscenities at passing cars.
The popular television personality
was admitted to a nearby hospital...
by LAPD offiicers
after they subdued him by force.
No one is immune to the trials
and tribulations of life.
No one. We all have ups,
and we all have downs.
I mean, that's just life.
Martin Lawrence's current scrape
with the law...
could be evidence
of Martin's mania.
Something's obviously
gone wrong in this man's head.
I mean, hejust settled
a case out of court...
because he attacked somebody
with a bottle who was making a toast.
Why? Well, apparently,
he didn't like the phrasing.
Martin's acting like a madman,
and people don't think it's funny.
But other people in the media,
some reporters...
and some tabloids,
they ain't interested in the truth.
All right? They like
to sensationalize bullshit.
You do the math.
From bad boy on the big screen...
to a menace in real life...
how far will Martin's fans go
to stand behind their tarnished hero?
It's easy to fade into obscurity
in Hollywood. Martin better watch out.
If Martin doesn't clean up his act,
he's not gonna be acting anywhere.
- I'm not perfect. I'm only human.
- Important words to live by.
Fuck 'em.
Fuck 'em. Girl. Fuck 'em.
We're all one 'cause we're
all human, you know.
We experience a lot of the same things.
Just as we wake, we sleep.
Just as we live, we die.
That's just life, human nature.
He had a body temperature
at slightly over
107 degrees Fahrenheit.
He was, at that time,
in a coma and unresponsive.
Fuck dying.
Fuck dying.