But you know what? When I think about
everything that's going on...
Critics are so unimportant to what's
going on with the USA attacks...
everything that happened here. The
Pentagon and New York. All that stuff.
My heart goes out to families that have
went through all this and lost people.
I feel for 'em.
And it's a sad thing.
It really is a sad thing because...
I'm glad to be an American.
This is the best country in the world.
I can say that. You know.
I wouldn't want to be nowhere else.
but when I seen this shit happen...
I think any of us could've been on them
planes and anything that happened...
been in one of them buildings
that they crashed into.
Any-fuckin'-body in here.
Know what I mean?
If it affects one person.
it affects us all.
And now my nerves are bad.
y'all. After this shit.
I got to drink
Milk of Magnesia and shit.
Every time before I board a plane.
I don't know what the fuck's going on.
But out of all this. This is one
of the first times in a long time...
since I don't know when...
This is one of the first times...
I seen black and white people together
on something. Standing for a cause.
It wasn't about race.
It's just about life.
You know what I mean?
Nothin' else but life.
Together on somethin'.
We will get together
and fuck you up today...
on this USA attacks.
you know what I mean?
I ain't seen black and white people
together since...
Stevie Wonder and Paul McCartney
did "Ebony and Ivory."
So now. If I go to board a plane.
if you like me...
you get nervous as a motherfucker.
you see somebody boardin'.
You sit there talking
to your white friend.
"What's up. White boy.
I don't know you...
but we getting on this plane together
and shit. Might as well be together.
Who's that motherfucker getting
on the plane right there?
You don't know that motherfucker?
Oh. Shit.
You about to get on
this motherfuckin' plane. Man?
Don't start no motherfuckin' shit
when we get on this plane. All right?
I'll punch you
in your motherfuckin' mouth. Nigger.