We ain't gonna just
act like shit is all right...
but we gonna work towards change.
to make it better.
That's what people... in this
Eye on the Prize... have done for us.
They put their lives out there
so that we can be in the forefront...
so that we can better ourselves.
Isn't that beautiful. When you
look at Eye on the Prize...
when you think of segregation
and civil rights and all those things?
When I was watching Eye on the Prize,
you had Martin Luther King...
you know.
great man in history...
Malcolm X... great man in history...
standing up for us...
so that we could sit together.
blacks and whites.
Work together. Freedom!
Grow together. That's beautiful.
Martin said...
"Nonviolent. Nonviolent.
We shall overcome.
I've been to the mountaintop.
Nonviolent. Nonviolent."
Malcolm said. "Yeah.
but by any means necessary."
Martin said.
"Nonviolent. Nonviolent."
"By any means necessary."
Martin and Malcolm
were saying the same thing.
They just had different opinions
and different approaches to it.
I thought that was beautiful.
I said. "That's all right."
But then one day I was watchin'.
and Martin Luther King...
And I'm named after Martin.
I was proud. Martin!
I watched him
go through Birmingham. Alabama.
And this racist white boy
picked up a rock...
you know. Like a half a boulder
or some shit.
He pitched that motherfucker like he
was pitchin' for the Orioles...
and hit Martin in his head.
And all Martin did was say.
"Nonviolent. Nonviolent.
Don't nobody do nothin'.
Nonviolent. Nonviolent.
My head's bleeding right now.
Don't nobody do nothin'.
We shall overcome.
I've been to the mountaintop. I'm
having a dream right now. Nonviolent.
Nonviolent. Nonviolent."
I was proud. I said. "Damn.
That takes a strong man
to get hit in the head...