If they're showing off.
that's when you whup their ass.
Hey. Iook. I got a lot of ass-whuppings.
and look at me now.
But you gotta... If they're showing off.
you gotta tear their ass up.
You can't even be
trippin' on that.
You gotta do
what you gotta do.
I understand
what the law's saying.
You can't be in the street fighting them
like you're in a real fight.
Talkin' about.
"Come on. Fuck that.
You're gonna eat
your Rice Krispies.
You're gonna eat
your Rice Krispies."
I understand that shit.
But you know what you gotta do?
You gotta learn how to hit 'em quick
and then walk 'em to the car.
You gotta...
Then walk 'em to the car.
"Hi. Officer. Yeah.
Oh. No. Just out taking
a stroll. That's all.
Yeah. Okeydokey.
Get your ass in there!"
You're driving and shit.
hit him with the seat buckle.
"Shut up!
Never fuckin' embarrass me in public.
You like to got my ass arrested.
I'll fuck you up!"
Shit. That's why
you gotta get 'em.
You gotta scare them.
They could be babies.
Little infants. Little newborns.
You gotta let 'em know.
Instill that fear that you the parent.
You gotta instill
that shit in them!
You go to their motherfucking crib
and wake their ass up.
"What's up. You little motherfucker?
What's up?
Wake your little ass up.
little nigger.
Let me tell you something.
This Daddy here. Motherfucker.
You ever raise up on me. I will knock
your motherfucking ass the fuck out!
Don't play with me!
This Daddy. Nigger!"
You gotta catch 'em when
they're coming out the pussy.
"What up.
you little motherfucker?
This Daddy. Nigger!
This Da...
Get your little ass here!
Get off...
Get off the umbilical cord!
Get the fuck off!
Let me tell you something. I will
knock your motherfucking ass out!