Money green.
All that shit.
Talkin' about wearing white...
knowing they done
fucked the usher last week.
Come on. Now. Wear your color.
That's all I ask.
Wear your color.
Marriage. Man.
It's hard. It ain't easy.
I'll tell you.
One thing I did come to learn.
A lot of people that are married.
you know. Either...
Someone in the marriage
either smokes herb or drinks.
"Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah."
That's some true shit. Ain't it?
I got some partners. "Yeah. Yeah.
I got to go home to the wife. Yo.
She get on my nerves every time
I go in that motherfuckin' door.
Yeah. Yeah.
Roll me one of them blunts. Joe.
Roll me one of them motherfuckers.
Yeah. Make that a fat one. Man.
When I smoke that shit. Man. That
bitch look like Janet Jackson. Nigger."
Or they drink. If you check all
the bars. They're mostly married men.
Just look at it. They're mostly married.
and they in there dreading going home.
They in the bar.
"Oh. Shit.
Make me another drink. Earl.
Oh. God. I got to go home to the wife.
Yeah. I don't know. Earl.
You know what? Make it a double.
She wants to fuck tonight. Oh. God.
Well. Here's to her. Oh. God."
They go in the house. "Honey. I'm home."
They start drinking some more.
The in-house drunk
is a motherfuck...
'cause he says things
when he gets drinkin'...
and once that alcohol hits his system...
that he probably
is just out of order for sayin'.
But he don't realize it
'cause he's so drunk. And now...
that liquor taps into his emotions.
and he starts tellin' this woman...
everything he's been wantin'
to say when he was sober.
But he don't have the courage
to say it when he's sober...
and he says it when he's drunk.
"Darlin'. Do me a favor.
will you? Mm-hmm.
Yes. Baby. It's so good.
I'm glad I'm home. Mm-hmm.
Yeah. I think about you all day.
Mm-hmm. I'm glad.