Master of Disguise

Where do you think you're going?
This is a mistake.
That woman is not Bo Derek!

That was cIose.
Too cIose.
I demand to speak
to the American Embassy!

Frabbrizio, it's time your son
is toId of his destiny.

This is no Iife for my son.
I wiII never teII him
of his true destiny.

Frabbrizio decided to keep the family
legacy a secret from his son.

The boy never knew the truth
about his urge to disguise himself...

...with anything he could find.
Pistachio, I hope
you're not making faces...

:05:29 the mirror with the underwear
on the head.

That wouId be crazy, Papa.
UnIess I had the shaving-cream beard
to go aIong with it.

This is my grandson Pistachio.
He has always been a little different.

From the beginning,
he had impulses he couldn't control.

You sIap me, I sIap you.
As Pistachio grew up, he couldn't help
mimicking people around him.
