Too fast.
Hey, Barn.
Just keep practicing.
You'II just be fine, okay?
I'm ready.
How come I can't do it and you can?
Baby, I'II see you
after work, okay? Bye.
He is so good with chiIdren, huh?
I'm never gonna find anything
about this DevIin Bowman guy.
Who's your daddy?
Listen, cIassmate.com thing.
''To be the worId's greatest
bIack marketeer...
...and possess
the rarest treasures on earth...
...then store them
in an underground Iair.''
What? This guy is crazy.
Did you hear this?
I can't beIieve he wouId write
something Iike this. Freaky guy.
Yes, we now know the who and the why.
But where do we find a man obsessed
with such a rarity?
WeII, there's this memorabiIia
fair tomorrow...
...with rare toys and stuff.
Maybe he'II be there.
So you think that Bowman
wiII show up...
...to see these rare items.
That's crazy. So crazy...
...it just might work.
Pistachio and Jennifer went to the
antique show hoping to find Bowman.
My grandson decided
to disguise himself as a lady.