Appraise this!
What are you doing?
That's the Nest in a Box.
It appears to be of Tuscan design.
I'd say earIy 1 2th century.
I knew it was oId, you fooI.
Let me appraise you: You're an idiot.
A compIete idiot. How does it feeI?
What is this?
1 2th century Tuscan? It's nice.
-I think that's him. That's Bowman.
WeII, you're a taII drink of water.
-And I just Iove moisture.
AIIow me to introduce myseIf.
My name is Gammy.
-Gammy Num Num.
-DevIin Bowman.
Don't be ashamed of your feeIings.
Your desires are perfectIy normaI,
I assure you.
-What desires?
-WeII, guess what, Backstreet Boy?
This GirI Scout isn't content
to be the MaIcoIm in your middIe.
-Run aIong, Gammy. Run aIong.
-Touching me!
Pushing me. There's pressure.
-Moving me back. Touching.
-Go. Go.
-What's your name?
-I'm Barbara.
Nice to meet you, Barbsie.
-We're never going to make babies.
I'm having South American art deaIers
to my house on Sunday.
We won't go anywhere
with you, meIonhead.
-I'd Iove it if you'd join us.
-I'd Iove it if you'd shut up.
No need to bring anything...
...except that beautifuI smiIe. Ciao.
''Ciao.'' Did you hear that? ItaIian.
Look out for the ItaIian man.
Fetch! Come on, fetch!
-I'm not comfortabIe with the new pIan.
-It's very easy. Listen.
If you wiII distract Bowman
at the party...
-...I'II disguise myseIf as a--
I'm Master of Disguise.