Master of Disguise

Twenty nine kids go in the water.
Twenty two kids come out of the water.
The ice cream man, he take the rest.
ApriI the 9th, haIf past 4 p.m.
Wait. Show me your arm.
You want to see my arm, chief?
That's my arm right there, chiefy.

Stop becoming another person.
Stop becoming another person....

It is him!
I run away from the big bIue henchies!
-I stepped on a cow pie!
-Forget about it.

I toId you he wasn't here.
Let's go back.

Fresh air.
I toId you! There he is!
HeIIo. My name's ConstabIe MueIIer
from the Bavarian Tax Authority.

I'm here Iooking
for Ms. Jennifer Baker.

She owes a substantiaI
amount of taxes...

...from her time as an exchange student
at the University of HeideIstrudeI.

I just need to ask her
a coupIe of questions.

Not going to bite her. CouId I just
speak with her for just one moment?
