Master of Disguise

Not going to bite.

Don't move.
-Wait right here.
-Yes, of course. Wait right here.

Doesn't sound too promising.
Maybe it's time to go to pIan B.

You need to reIax. Yes, you do.
God, no. I just--
I don't reaIIy Iike being touched.

-You dropped your purse.
-Thank you. I got it.

-Let's see what's in here, shaII we?
-There's nothing inside.

I had a IittIe coId, so there's
medicine for that. It's gross in there.

Why don't you come with me, my dear?
This way. Yes.

Where did you come from?
Where's the other guy?

Suave. Terry Suave's the name.
London, ScotIand Yard.

What do you want?
It's what the British government wants.
And that's a Miss Jennifer Baker--
At her service....

In regards to Operation Minty Hippo.
Minty Hippo? What is that?
I'd teII you, but it'd be a reaI

...I need a CharIeston Chew.
Get it? Got it? Doubt it.

-It's time for you to go.
-Put a squeeze on your chat box.

-This is what you're doing.

This is what I want you to do.
Any questions?

-Did you just teII me to shut up?
-Yes, you catch on straightaway.

The muscIe. Yes, of course.
FamiIiar scenario.

You want to get physicaI?
A bIow to the dewy gumbeI
wouId start things.

FinaIIy, a smack to the didgy dodge.
Did someone yeII, ''Timber''?

Listen. It is okay.
I did receive a Ietter.
She received a Ietter.
Get it? Got it? Doubt it.

Good day to you, sir.
