Master of Disguise

Thanks for Ietting me borrow
the ApoIIo for my tour.

No probIem, Miss Simpson.
Thanks for the CDs.

I hope you Iike them.
Jessica Simpson.
You seem tired, Frabbrizio.
Don't worry.
It's aImost over.
You're insane!
-ThoroughIy insane.
-Am I?

He's asIeep with The Cuteness.
I want to get something off my chest.
Today, when I saw you dressed up...

...Iike the crazy, hairy guy...
:59:06 that moment,
I reaIIy thought you were this...

...pathetic, insane, absurd...
...spastic IittIe man.
And now I beIieve
that you can do anything.

That's very nice, but not true.
I can't turn mud into oatmeaI, or buiId
a spaceship that wiII traveI to PIuto.

But you can find a way to rescue
your mama and your papa.

Yes. Yes, I beIieve now too.
Your pep taIk has transformed me,
tiny butter-bottom. I mean, Jennifer.

You said, ''Tiny butter-bottom.''
Did I, the future mother of my babies?
I mean, Jennifer?

You said,
''Future mother of my babies.''

Did I, fat-cat mama
with the red dress on? I mean--
